Lately I have been talking to many people who have expressed that they are feeling heavy, tired and even a little low. Almost like they are wading through heavy sand and just can't seem to lift their feet up high enough to create momentum. I also have been feeling this in many areas of my life (of course the main areas I am feeling this resistance in are the ones I am trying to work on the most, lol)
So what is this heavy feeling that seems to be plaguing so many of us?
Well as I understand it there is a heck of alot happening under the surface in our subconscious minds at the moment and we are doing an amazing amount of energetic shifting without even being consciously aware of it. So maybe we should just cut ourselves a little bit of a break....
On top of this glorious unconscious shifting and the releasing of old patterns and limiting beliefs (that we don't even have to work at I might add), we are also clearing and releasing for our lineages and the ancestors. The planet and all of us on it are actually doing the work to release the past, THE PAST!!
This is huge and has not been done before. We are in the process of clearing out the old energy and the old belief systems that have been carried for, well it feels like forever, so I am just going to say it that way... forever. In reality (or at least the reality we perceive) we are really doing a major load of work here.
So my friends, cut yourself a break, and start looking at being ok with where you are right in this moment. So if you are giving yourself a hard time because you have stepped back into some old habits that you had thought you had released for good, that's ok. It just happens to be where you are right now in this moment. Will those habits hang around forever, no they won't, but this is where you are so embrace it. Love yourself in the moment, not when you think things will be perfect because frankly... Things are perfect RIGHT NOW!!
But hey, these are just one girls thoughts....
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