The collaboration is called The Soulful Parent Vol II and there are 22 authors who have contributed to this amazing resource for parents who want to help their children grow up to be fully themselves, fully in their own power and completely in love with themselves.
This second edition focuses on what we as parents can do to make sure we are not superimposing our personal fears and challenges onto our children. That our expectations are not a source of limitation for our kids, that we are able to see the big picture and let our babies have the experiences they came here to have.
And the best part of all... this e-book is completely FREE!!!
Here is some more information about this awesome resource and a link to get your copy!!
If you’ve ever struggled, felt frustration or overwhelm when it came to parenting; OR if you’ve wondered how you can raise your children in this day and age being able to stay true to who they are and be happy at the same time…
- take a look at this!
My colleague and friend, Trisha Savoia (founder and owner of Absolute Awareness) invited me to write an article for the Second Edition of The Soulful Parent series - The Soulful Parent Vol.II: How to Stop Parenting from Ego & Start Parenting with SOUL.
It’s designed to help you step out of the old paradigm of parenting and step into the new paradigm of parenting, which is what our children require to thrive and be happy. As you may already know, today’s children are different. They are more sensitive, more feeling, more open, and more self-aware. Because of this we need to examine our old style of parenting and learn new ways to parent these well as learn more about ourselves!
Inside this top-notch resource you’ll enjoy 22 articles that are a must-read that will change your perspective…and the way you parent.
And the best part – it’s totally FREE!
This book is perfect for you if you:
- love your children dearly, and sometimes feel you are failing as a parent
- feel guilt a lot of the time, and pulled in so many directions
- your house feels more like a war zone than a place of love and happiness
- feel stressed, chaotic, and drained a good portion of the time
- feel you are always “giving in” because you’re too tired to argue anymore
- hit a breaking point and resort to yelling and screaming because they don’t listen otherwise
Be among the first to change the landscape of how we parent by jumping inside this digital ebook:
The Soulful Parent Vol.II: How to Stop Parenting from Ego & Start Parenting with SOUL
As you know these are just one girls thoughts :)
If you would like more information about Nicole or the services she offers, please visit her website at