Thursday, March 13, 2014

Follow your heart - Angel Card for March

Follow Your Heart

The answer to your question is in your heart.  This card signifies that you can trust your hearts true desires, even if you can’t clearly see how the outcome will appear or manifest.  This is a situation where you are called upon to walk in faith and be true to yourself.  The universe will ensure that your needs are met and will help with your relationships as you make life changes. 

Change, one of the most challenging things we face in our lives and we face it on a daily basis.  For the month of March trust your heart, your instinct and your intuition.  Let go of the logical and allow your heart to guide you.  You will be amazed at the results and the doors that open as you listen to how you feel rather than what logic is screaming at you to do.  If you are having trouble discerning what you feel from what your mind thinks you should be doing, take some time to be still.  Focus on the heart space within you and allow yourself to relax and let go of all the logical thoughts that are rushing around in your brain.  Then just listen, feel where you are being drawn and what decision will fill you with a feeling of joy and maybe which decision is a little scary for you.  This is the best direction to head.

I know it can be scary, but what is life without a little bit of risk and learning.  The key is to be gentle with yourself and to work at dropping your expectations of how you are going to get where you would most love to be.  With letting go of the expectations you will open the door for miracles to happen and for opportunities to flow to you from the most unexpected places. 

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