Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Perspective, just a little bit...

It is so interesting how we can get caught up in our own perceptions and perspectives in life and miss some of the most amazing lessons and experiences that are hovering right in front of us.

I had a great realization today that I could have possibly been sharing amazing conversations with a close family member but because of my perception that he may not understand me or my beliefs I never gave it a shot.  Then I was directed to something he had written and posted and I was blown out of my perspective space and realized that sometimes asking may be the better course of action rather than sitting in assumption (can I make an ass out a u and me...)

It just goes to show that even when we are actively working to be open and accepting of everyone around us, judgement can sometimes creep in, at least for me that is as I can only speak of my personal experience. 

So what does this really say about my own judgements on myself (because any judgement we put on others is really an internal judgement waiting to be recognized)!?!

Well, I feel it says that I am actually not fully accepting the beliefs that I claim to carry as my own and upon some deeper reflection have realized that I am not walking all of my talk.  We live in a world where love is needed for everyone on all levels so acceptance can abound and I know many many people who are working on and with these ideals, but am I?

I will be honest, I am doing my darnedest to love myself and let go of judgement but part of that process is to follow the advice that seemingly falls out of my mouth when I am doing a reading, or a counselling session, or even an energy healing.  If you repeat the same message to 3 different people, you better listen up as well because that message is for you too.

I know all of these things on an intellectual level, so now how do I get them to resonate on a heart level so my follow through happens naturally?  Some would say fake it till you make it, but in all truthfulness that really doesn't feel very good.

What feels right is to ALLOW, step out of my own way and let the universe take the reins for a while.   Sit in the love of my heart and allow the rest of me to catch up a little.  I can already see some of the flow happening and I can feel the syncronisities falling into place, but I also can feel that niggling feeling of resistance. So I am going to ask the universe and my angels and guides to come in and dissolve it for me. 

It's so interesting how we feel we have to control and make everything happen for ourselves, when a simple little, hey guys I could use a hand here, on the energetic and spiritual level could be all you need to leap forward and watch the resistance vanish.  Sometimes I just have to laugh a little at myself. (in a good way of course)

So where are you sitting, in love, in the flow or maybe in a little bit of resistance.  Don't be afraid to reach out and up for a little hand, that's what our guides and angels love to do for us.  Help us out!  Maybe this will help you to step forward on a path that seemed a little daunting and scary at first.  Asking and allowing is really all it takes.  But hey these are just one girls thoughts, play with these ideas and you be the judge...lol

For more info on the services I offer please visit my website at www.intuitivebalance.ca

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shifting through Intention...

So I have not written for a while and I have to admit that the energies that have been flying around have me a little discombobulated!  A whirl wind of emotions have been flying through me and it feels as though there is little to no stability in the world right now,  well my world at least.

I know I have talked about fear and moving through blocks on this here blog before but I wanted to address them again as this is something that just keeps coming up for me.  Now I know that there are ways I can work through the blocks and fears that have been coming up over and over and yet I have been so incredibly resistant to those processes it's like I am constantly hitting myself over the head and still not listening.  I have talked with a few other friends as well that have been experiencing the same thing, this odd feeling of resistance to those things or processes that they know will benefit them and have fit comfortably into their routine before. So what is going on?!?

Interestingly enough the thought that has come up in regards to this is that maybe, just maybe we are holding onto a collective consciousness that is holding us all back globally!  Shocking idea I know but for those of us who have done so much work in release and moving forward, this is an explanation that makes sense.

Now some of you may be thinking, Oh OK put the owness on something else, something outside yourself that you cannot control, but the thing is we can control this too.  It is all about INTENTION! 

I personally am going to make a commitment to set an intention for myself and the world (sounds large I know but I thought I would give it a try) every night, to release all that is not serving me and all of us as a humanity, as a unit, as a whole.  If we all make this intention and other intentions like this with the premise of clearing ourselves and the earth and humanity as a unit, think of the shifts that could flow forward from it.  Think of the people that would benefit that are unsure of this type of work but need a helping hand to move forward.  I feel power in this and hope you will join me in this little experiment.  If you do I would love to hear about what shifts and changes you notice as your practice using this idea deepens...
Please contact me through my website at www.intuitivebalance.ca or via e-mail at nictunheim@gmail.com

I know these all are just one girls thought but this one girl is all about service too, how about helping me in my journey to help clear us all energetically through love and compassion as we tramp through our personal journeys of life...