Monday, December 31, 2012

Strength in family

When we get to this time of year our thoughts generally turn to family, reconnections and spending time.  I personally feel that there is nothing more important than reconnecting and keeping those you love close, whether they be biological family or the family you have created for yourself out of your friends.

In August of 2011 my mom passed away and christmas that year was hard, harder than I thought it would be.  I made a resolution that year to keep my family close and be very involved.  I'm sad to say that even though I did my best, I don't feel it was good enough and the events of this christmas really drove that home.

I spent this christmas at the Victoria General hospital worrying about my dad, who had some rather serious health issues come up. (Don't worry though, he came through it all just fine).  It made me realize that even though I have been really making an effort to keep my immediate family close, I have still missed connecting with certain members who are very important to me.

I also realized that even though the people close to you may be the ones who frustrate and piss you off the most, they are also the ones who will always be there, who will always love you, who will always be a shoulder and dry your tears if need be.  They really are the most important people in your life and it is so important to make time for them, even if it is just a phone call to catch up and stay connected.

And finally I realized that sometimes situations happen that seem horrible and scary in the moment, but if you take a little time to really look at them, you can find the blessing.  That silver lining that shows you how fortunate it is that the situation happened.  There is always a positive side and a blessing in every situation, no matter how dire it looks at the time. 

Take a moment whenever you are dealing with something that is really triggering you, or if you are in a situation that you are not sure how to deal with.  Take that moment and look at whats going on from every possible angle.  Remember you can't go back in time and change anything, all you can do is move forward with love and find that positive angle, find that little piece of peace that you can bring forward.  The section of strength that resides within us all to just keep moving forward.

It is amazing how this helps your stress levels, believe me as I have been practicing this all month. 

We are stronger than we look and definitely stronger than we perceive ourselves to be.  It is all about your perspective and how you want to look at and take the world.  It is a beautiful and gentle place as long as you allow yourself to see it.

Wishing you all the most amazing success, love and joy in 2013.  You can create the life you want!!  All it takes is a little positivity and a whole lota trust :)

and once again these are just one girls thoughts...

If you would like more information about Nicole and the services she offers please visit her website at