Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We are all one...

I have been thinking a lot about the concept that we are all one, and had a very profound moment when talking with a friend the other day.  It was a little like a realization and a little like a memory.  Basically the words that fell out of my mouth were " we are all one as we all came from the same original soul, and are now working to attain a common vibration so we can come back together"

It was like a little hole in time opened and swallowed me up, allowing me to realize that we literally are all one, we are just vibrating on different levels and are in different areas of learning.  That is why we feel so separate, it is this illusion of separation that creates this mass growth for all of us.  That puts us in the space where we strive to understand and continue to move towards one another with compassion..  but I digress...

This conversation came into being as I had come into contact with a client who was struggling with the idea that he was a walk in.  A soul that had decided to come in and take over the life journey he had set out to have, and the soul that started that journey had decided to head home...  While working with him I realized that yes, he was a walk in BUT the soul that came in was just another piece of him.  Even though it had not been with him up to this point in his human incarnation, it was still him and it got me thinking about this concept of we are all one...

It feels very much that we are all connected but I think we are more deeply connected than originally thought.  I feel that we, in our original state are one energy, one entity, one soul, one being of thought and this is how some of us are able to connect so deeply to others.  This is caused by our vibrations being so close together that we almost sync up.  I know some of you know what I am talking about.  Like when you know your best friend is having a shitty day even though you haven't spoken to each other in a couple days.

But hey these are just one girls thoughts... I would love to hear your perceptions on this topic as well :)

We all hold each other's hearts in the palm of our hands.  Be gentle, and allow the thoughts that turn the world to create a reality of beauty and love.
To learn more about Nicole and the services she offers please visit her website at www.intuitivebalance.ca

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Breaking through

We all face blocks in our lives, and some feel more strongly built than others, but I think the most disconcerting block I have faced recently was painters block.

Part of what I do for a living is to paint peoples energy on canvas and it seems as long as I have a person that I am painting for I am fine. As soon as I try and sit at the canvas and paint just for the sake of making art, or to paint for myself I hit the dreaded roadblock.  Everything that flows off my brush I hate and I get frustrated and walk away. 

This block got so bad recently that I couldn't even bring myself to sit down in front of the canvas and I was terrified that this "block" was actually creating an energy block in my getting clients for the paintings I create specific to a persons energy. I also had the lovely fear that if I did get a client for a painting that I wouldn't be able to create as I had before.

Thankfully I have great friends and one of those amazing people in my life went the extra mile to help me break through.  After an amazing little healing session with my great friend Tim Kessler, which included an awesome visualization and some therapeutic sound healing, he took me on a little adventure.  We ended up at one of his friends where I got the opportunity to play with spray paint.  A medium I had never used before but found to be versatile and so very much fun. 

This small act on his part had a huge impact on me and allowed me to open up again to the creative flow.  Knowing that with intention and remembering that creation is fun, I was able to step back into the flow and allow the art to flow from within in me instead of trying to force a preconceived idea.  Trying to force the flow to happen was completely part of the block I had been facing.  I had forgotten how to allow and play when working with the paints.

In going through this I had a realization.  We face blocks or challenges in many areas of our lives and often get frustrated and feel like we are going in circles or just standing still.  When this happens I feel we need to look at how we are approaching the area in which we are feeling that block or challenge.  Have we forgotten how to play and flow in that area of our lives?  Are we trying to force things to happen based on our expectations?

The solution generally arises when we let go and allow. Releasing our expectations to the wind and find that place of flow once again.  Not having our heart set on a specific outcome and remembering that the universe always has our best and highest in mind even if the how of getting to the destination does not fit our preconceived ideas.

So think about it, if you are feeling boxed in or stagnant in any area of your life, try letting go of those expectations and trust that the universe has got your back.  This is the place that miracles happen, this is the place that creates those magical moments that time just cannot touch....

But hey, you don't have to take my word for it, after all, these are just one girls thoughts...

                              The picture below is what I painted after the break through...

If you would like more information about Nicole and the healing and artistic services she offers please visit her website at www.intuitivebalance.ca
If you would like more information about Tim Kessler and the services he offers please visit his website at www.livetikelife.com