Friday, February 15, 2013

Expectations, where do those lead us?

Expectations, we all have them. We place them on the people in our lives, on ourselves and on situations that we wish to control.  The interesting thing about expectations is that they usually leave us in a space of disappointment. 

As human beings we like to be in control and know what is coming for us, but that isn’t how life tends to work.  We have situations come up that we were not expecting and we have to adapt, bob and weave to get through them.  We have to be flexible to navigate through our journeys and the more we hold onto control and the need to plan out exactly how our life is going to happen the more difficult it can be to flow with whatever happens to show up for us.

This can be a heavy lesson for some and an easy lesson for others, it all depends on your perspective and how you handle having your plans changed on you.  The interesting thing about this is, when we come up against sudden change or a loss of control in a situation, it is our angels and guides asking us to trust that there is a higher reason for what we are going through and dealing with.  There is either a lesson involved for us to learn or a way to get where we are trying to go that is more stream line, and we are just not seeing it in the moment.

I recently had my personal expectations dashed and through the process realized that it was in fact for my best and highest that my expectations were not met.  I had planned to move back into Calgary from High River for the first of February.  The day I made this decision a close family member came down with some very serious health issues.  I was bound and determined to not let this stop me from moving, even though I was living with and helping this family member at the time.  I stuck to my expectations with a stubborn mind and thought nothing could hold me back from moving forward.  As more information came forward about the needs in recovery of my family member I realized that I would not be able to make the move.  I was deeply disappointed at the time as I saw this as me being held back and I could not figure out why.

Upon reflection I have realized that the house I was moving into was obviously not the right fit for me at this time, and being able to stay where I am will actually benefit me in many other areas of my life, while being there to help my family. 

My expectations were not met, but the result of being able to flow with the situation, to be flexible has benefited me in ways I had not expected.  I stepped into trust and just allowed the universe to show up for me.

I personally think we all struggle with our expectations.  They can cause us to be hard on ourselves as well as those we love.  They can create disappointment and heartache.  If we can let go of those expectations of ourselves, the people in our lives and how we think everything should work, we can step more fully into trusting that whatever happens has  positive and loving reasons behind it, whether it is something we need to learn, or just a different path to get us where we would like to go.

So when you are struggling with your own expectations, whatever they may be, take a moment to try and see the situation, or person from a different perspective.  Look for the positives that are happening in the moment and what you may be learning about yourself and those around you.  There is always a silver lining, sometimes you just have to look for it from a different angle.

But hey these are just one girls thoughts....

If you would like more information about Nicole or the services she offers please visit her website at

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